You may know by now that following the recommendations set out in Professor Graham Donaldson's report 'Successful Futures', the curriculum in Wales is changing.

This is a summary of the changes that we are making to the curriculum here at Newbridge-on-Wye Church in Wales School:

Our new curriculum has 4 core purposes. We want our children to leave our school in Year 6 as:

  • Ambitious capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives,

  • Enterprising creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life  and work.

  • Ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world; and

  • Healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

We have to ensure that our children are literate, numerate and digitally competent.

Finally we have to ensure that all of our children make progress in EVERY aspect of their learning and that our curriculum is as holistic as possible. We are currently reviewing our provision and hope to develop our teaching and learning through the following 6 Areas of Learning and Experience:

  • Humanities - History, Geography and RE

  • Expressive Arts

  • Science and Technology

  • Health and Wellbeing

  • Language, Literacy and Communication and

  • Mathematical Development.